Saturday Feb 16, 2019
Episode 413 - Eff Bobby Kotick
Saturday Feb 16, 2019
Saturday Feb 16, 2019
It's 70f in February, so we're on the patio tonight with an audience of kittens and a dog. We're here to talk about Activision Blizzard being greedy assholes, anime voice actors finally facing some sort of consequences after 20 years, a sports store facing repercussions for a recent business decision, and warn y'all of a fursuit scam site.
Want to support the show? Hit up our Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Southpawscast
Kiss my ass, Bobby Kotick - https://www.fanbyte.com/trending/kiss-my-ass-activision-blizzard/
CAAApitalism: The Successful Failure Of Videogames- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmW0GhdDOvw
Vic M opinions from Ozpin - https://twitter.com/sadogre/status/1095122591940071424
No Nike? No store - https://koaa.com/news/2019/02/11/prime-time-sports-forced-to-close-after-removing-nike-apparel-from-store/
Joaquin Baldwin's collection of fake fursuit 'reviews' - https://twitter.com/joabaldwin/status/1096192389352349696
That badass Marian pic we reference - https://www.deviantart.com/jeftoon01/art/Twisted-Princess-Maid-Marian-278936967
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Episode 412 - Boffing Boffins
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
On this extra thicc episode Savrin and Fuzz are here while Shiva is off being cultured and seeing a musical. We are all over the map this week, opening with discussions on some movies we watched together, the flitting around to things like Roger Stone's indictment, gamers gonna game, Kingdom Hearts ..2.. and a discussion on meme culture and its incredible speed.
Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Southpawscast
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Episode 411 - INFORMATION!
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Trans rights, OK!
This week- HBomberguys DK64 charity stream, A-Kon follow up, the Animorph books are free digitally, Kingdom Hearts 3 is out, and we should vore the rich.
Want to support the show financially? Hit the Patreon~ https://www.patreon.com/Southpawscast
Animorphs EBooks - http://animorphsforum.com/ebooks/
HBomberguy's Twitch page - glinner.xyz / https://www.twitch.tv/hbomberguy
The Conquest of Bread - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Conquest_of_Bread
Read it - https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Conquest_of_Bread.html?id=TB2ul8NVVPcC&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Savrin's Newbie Convention Organizer's Guide
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Friday Sep 14, 2018
I was inspired by putting together my prior video about my time in the Brony fandom to really delve deep into the steps required to get a convention off the ground. This goes deep into the hows and whys, and covers things you probably haven't thought of if you're the type of person who thinks they'd like to start a convention.
The full text of the audio is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PXhpqC5R7Ouu3yQahyWDX0zOqIEmAHy-P7FEp206kEY/edit?usp=sharing
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Southpaws Solo - My Time Among The Horses
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Savrin recorded a followup to the previous Solo episode, giving a speedrun version of his personal experiences in the pony fandom and why it broke his brain a little.
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Bonus Pod - Fox & Wolf Movie Time Ep 1 - Chopping Mall
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
This bonus episode is the first Fox & Wolf Movie Time episode Fuzz and I recorded as a Patreon exclusive. The gist is Fuzz and I watch a film one of us hasn't seen and the other likes, and discuss it afterwards. If you'd like to hear more of these, and there are a good number of them, check us out at www.patreon.com/southpawscast